Fintech, or financial technology, is one of the fastest growing sectors. Today it is dominated by various payment providers like Sofort, PayPal and Skrill. Besides that, it is composed of various online lending companies as Wonga, Kabbage or The Lending Club. However, for us the main interest comes from the trading niche of the Fintech and today we are going to take a look at various awesome financial applications.
Tradingview is a web app that runs in nearly every possible browser. What is it? To make long story short – Imagine Facebook for traders. This is exactly what Tradingview is. It is a social network that is built around live charts. Traders from all over the world observe the trading charts, look for various pricing patterns and try to predict the future price of the financial asset. Then these traders communicate their ideas with the whole community, discuss various variable and ultimately, transfer this common knowledge into a trading activity. This app functions on a freemium model, meaning that you can sign up and use most of the features without paying a dime, however, in case you are looking for an extended scope of the app’s functionality, than you would need to get a paid membership. Having said this, people that do online trading can easily afford paying for a useful app that helps them generate profit. Hence, it may be totally worth the money.
Spotoption is an online trading platform provider. This means that you cannot simply download or access the app and benefit from it. As Spotoption is a B2B company, you will need to find one of the brokers that has integrated this unique piece of software into its armory of online trading platforms. What makes this software great is that it is fully compatible with the browsers. Hence, you do not need to install any software to start benefiting from powerful charting, analytical tools, and, most importantly, buying and selling various financial assets online.
This is a mobile application that has revolutionized the world of stock market trading. Currently, it is online available in the US and soon to become available in Australia, yet it has quickly become a leading stock trading application and many traders are patiently waiting for it to become available in their region. There are a few things that make Robinhood unique. Unlike most of the stock brokers, Robinhood does not invest into anything except their application. This means much cheaper rates for trading, hence more benefit for the trader. Besides that, Robinhood developers figured out quickly that in the 21st century people are looking for simplicity. Instead of providing a piece of software that perfectly supports a four-display setup, this app provides a powerful mechanism for trading stocks that fits the size of a pocket of your jeans.
Many of us think that trading is a complex and a boring process. eToro, an FX brokerage company from Cyprus, is proving that we are wrong. Similar to Tradingview, this company gathers traders and creates an online community that is able to come up with great trading ideas. The striking difference between these two applications is that Tradingview only allows you to get the information, while eToro lets you trade and copy the trades of your friends. While it may certainly be great to make money out of other people’s brains (and their ideas), eToro has also a lot to offer for the ones that produce the ideas. Trading leaders, people that get their ideas copied, are getting a certain % from the profit, and this is a great reward for someone that spends hours perfecting their strategy and analysing the market.
There are quite many amazing trading apps, most of them have appeared less than a decade ago and we are sure that even more great apps and platforms are to be released soon. We strongly encourage you to try out the above listed platforms and let us know your opinion. From our side, we will be monitoring the financial technology market and will be coming up with a 2018 edition of this article.